Number 11 Beauty Lounge Treatment Menu

Number 11 Beauty Lounge list of Services offered

List of treatments
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Anti-wrinkle Injections
At Number 11 Beauty Lounge all of your questions regarding Anti-wrinkle injections (commonly known as Botox) can be answered in a free consultation.

This can be a fabulous treatment for effectively lessening the appearance of lines and wrinkles but the treatment itself comes with lots of myths and misinformation so it is important that you understand exactly what the treatment entails and your expectations before going ahead with treatment.

Prior to any prescription treatment you will be required to have a consultation with our Medical professional. This is to ensure that you are a suitable candidate and you are deemed medically safe for the procedure.
Each individual is different and the effectiveness of treatment will vary based on many aspects including chemical makeup and lifestyle, being conscious of this our approach at Number 11 is to administer gradually until we are familiar with how your body personally responds to the treatment. We can add more and tweak areas during a top-up appointment but what we cannot do is remove what has been administered so your initial treatment will be planned carefully to ensure results will be subtle and look natural. Photographs will be taken each visit to make comparisons and highlight areas that may need adjustments.

Anti Wrinkle Injections
Our aim is to give clients a glowing, healthy look to the skin, rejuvenated and youthful in appearance as opposed to a frozen or startled look. It takes around two weeks to see the effects. At this point you are invited to have a consultation where a top up may be offered if your clinician feels you need it. It is important to understand that this treatment is not the same as a facelift and cannot iron out wrinkles. However, it is a very effective way to soften visible lines and wrinkles and with regular treatments can help prevent further signs of ageing.

Get in touch
to book a free consultation and individual price quote